Sunday 8 February 2009

I'm that chord on your guitar..

I've been well busy today!

Me, my sister and Bethany went shopping this morning. Nothing exciting, just a bog standard food shop. Though I did buy some ingredients to make cupcakes. My recipe let me down, the frosting is shit. It's supposed to be proper frosting, like they have in America, but it just looks like melted chocolate...If anyone has a good frosting recipe, send me it please :)

I made about 48 cakes though lol. They're really yummy. The chocolate ones are quite rich but I haven't tried the vanilla ones yet, i'll probably end up being sick if I eat anything else hah. My sister wanted to make pie and quiche too, so I had to make pastry. I'm covered in flour.

I got a tattoo yesterday. The first bit of it hurt quite a bit haha, the rest was fine though. Today it just feels like a bruise but it's cool. I love it, it looks really pretty. I can't decide which one to get next...i've narrowed it down to two lol.


  1. If you want the frosting thicker, whip it with a food mixer :) It's supposed to make it better for piping. Also is that your tattoo?

  2. I did that...When i first used it, it was just like melted chocolate, but i left it for a little while and then it went thicker (see cake photos).
    & it is :) I love it sososo much!

  3. Orrr if you put it in the fridge it helps too. I'm making a double later mud cake this week *drool*. Where is your tattoo? I want one of your cakes for pudding X

  4. I'll send one down haha.
    Would it not just go runny again once i take it out the fridge?
    My tattoo is on my left wrist. I'm going to book another one soon :D
    I bet your mud cake will be amazing! x

  5. Well I assume the chocolate frosting you made is like a ganache? I made a cake which had ganache icing and once you'd set it it didn't go runny again but you'd have to make sure it doesn't go too hard in the fridge. What are you getting done next? x

  6. Ganache is just chocolate and cream, right? This one had icing sugar in so I think it was frosting.. maybe the site i used for converting cups into grams wasn't accurate.. I'll keep looking.

    I'm either going to get "broken beyond repair" or "beautifully broken" on the back of my neck, ooor an "S" and an "N" behind each ear (my nanna and grandad's initals). Behind my ear will hurt xalot I imagine. x

  7. you already know im jealous of your tattoo, haha.

  8. I do haha. Can't wait to get more :D x
