Friday 26 December 2008

Happy Boxing Day!

So, did everyone have a nice Christmas?

Mine wasn't the best, but what can you do? It's only one day out of the whole year...
And I know my sister and brother in law put a lot of effort into making it a good day, it's just a shame some people had to ruin it :)

I got some really nice presents though! I got a Nintendo DS Lite & accessories pack, Vera Wang - Princess (which smells amazing and comes in the cutest bottle!!), CSI: Dark Motives for the DS (which is fucking solid, i'm never going to be able to do it!), leopard print slippers, leopard print dressing gown, leopard print earrings and necklace, Cecilia Ahern - "The Gift", a recordable freeview (which is up and running now thanks to some frustration from my mother hah), a Belle (from Beauty & The Beast) teddy to go with my Beast that I got for my birthday, a phone sock and dangle thing, bed socks, tigger socks, a book, a cake book (yum!), a student cookbook, 4 dvds, a spiderpig teddy, a Fernando Torres flag =D, a comic, smellies (with the most amazing body scrub!!), perfumes, a leopard print clutch bag and purse, a snowglobe and a gorgeous pillow. Lots of Christmassy goodness!!

I'm glad it's over now though. I think i'm going to be a grinch next year, it seems to work so well for everyone else? I think i'm the only person in my family who gets excited about Christmas now and the day itself just ends up being a disappointment. I hope that doesn't make me sound ungrateful because I'm very grateful for the presents, but Christmas day is so overrated.

I'm already making plans for next Boxing Day that don't involve anything Christmassy :)
It wasn't the same this year... Usually my auntie and uncle bring their 2 kids over and we have chicken, chips and beans for dinner and watch whatever shitty movie bbc one have decided to play. This year it was just my auntie and my cousin, Sophie, and they didn't stay long. I think as everyone is growing up we're all growing apart.

I've started making a list of resolutions for next year too. I can't wait. 2009 is the year of change.

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